Freight Forwarding in Kenya

Kenya Freight forwarding and Kenya Freight Clearing practice have different functions in the Kenya freight supply chain, but both Kenya customs clearance and freight forwarding are equally important. Freight forwarding is like a flight agent for your freight, determining the best forwarding route and booking your freight on the appropriate carrier. The importance of having a reliable freight forwarder is clear, and can often mean the difference between fast, effective Kenya freight shipping and many forwarding freight delays.


If you are looking for a Kenyan freight forwarder to ship your freight internationally or locally within Kenya, whether importing freight to Kenya, through Kenya or forwarding your freight to international markets Pretac Logistics can assist in freight forwarding and selecting low cost and effective freight forwarding mode to move your freight by ocean freights, air freight, rail freight or road freight. with years of experience in the Kenya customs clearance, freight forwarding and Kenya supply chain logistics we are renown Kenya freight forwarders for offering reliable and efficient air freight and sea freight forwarding service within and without Kenya and the world. Pretac Logistics is dedicated to forwarding your freight and ensuring a speedy air freight and sea freight forwarding process. Experience our flexibility of offering sea freight and air freight forwarding services.


Pretac Logistics will manage your international freight shipping logistics from and to Kenya or clear and forward your freight once it arrives in Kenya to various destinations across east Africa.  As a freight forwarding company we negotiates freight forwarding rates to sustain the interest of the client and prepare freight forwarding documents, bill of lading, air way bill and other shipping documentation including F178 and certificate of origin.


Pretac Logistics amendments in Kenya freight forwarding industry include improvements in the following forwarding areas; warehousing around Kenya, freight distribution routing or forwarding of the freight as per the instructions of their client, we have also attained very good freight rates from shipping lines and air lines and guaranteed daily space allocation in air lines. This has seen significant growth in our fresh produce department serving countless Kenyan exporters.

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